Saturday, January 2, 2010

Benign lumps in Breasts/ Breast Cancer detox remedy

1. Boil 5 glasses of water with ½ teaspoon ginger powder and 1 teaspoon coriander powder.
2. Drink this mixture whenever you feel hungry, for the first three days. Do not eat any food.
3. For the following three days, take a mung (legumes/ Indian dahl) soup. Do not eat any other food.
4. For the following nine days, eat mung (legumes/Indian dahl) soup- as 30% of your diet. The other 70% of your diet should consist of vegetables such as: gourd (gheea), parvil, zucchini, and spinach.
5. For the following ten days, you can add 10% grains and 20% protein to your diet. This could include adding other legumes to your diet.

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